Attention Plz!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The beauty of the valley is multiplied in summer season!


  1. I was looking for somother information on the net, while during my private searching this site incidently came to the front..
    i just viewed and found some eye catching contents in this.
    then i properly went through its alomost all topics.
    i myself declare few words about the informative esteemed page that
    this will absolutely be helpful for not only those who belog to This velly but those who want to know all about the region or in future who planing to viist the area i think they can have enough and almost complete info after going through this page.
    lastely...the chitrali citizens are congratulated having such apportunities, to get and give info and many more now anytime free of cost by just coording the site management.

  2. Thanks for the effective comments.
    you welcome...of course this is a little start up in order to keep all the north citizens in coordination and to share their positve ideas and information with each other this is the ambition of my life..i sincerly hope that will cooperate in all such actions which are taken to develop the our area and to modernize the society by participating and appreciating those who dadicated their time and knowlege for the betterment in life.
