Attention Plz!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Good Morning!

Myspace Comment:  Good Morning 47

" Each day celebrate life! Let memories be the driving force for your will to succeed. Never look back on your yesterdays as a desire to want what was, but rather accept what is now as it is now. The best days of your life are lying ahead of you. Live everyday with great joy celebrating now while all along pressing forward with a smile knowing it only gets better by each blessing moment. Lay down your worries, fears, doubts and despair. Enjoy the gift of life while you're still here, it only gets better. Stop stressing over all these little nothings and live! Everything will piece it's self together by and by. Don't be a stranger to your life; live it, celebrate!"

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


There is an immaculate eternal and constant space within you hidden under different appearances. In that space there is only peace, love and wisdom. Let go and free yourself from the layers that cover that space and you will uncover the secret of a life of fullness.

haveagreatdayflowers.gif picture by 21arti

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A great tomorrow

Today is an important day in your life.
Because today is your opportunity to create the circumstances in which you will live tomorrow.
If you could custom design tomorrow, how would it be?
Where would you live, what work would you do, what people would be
around you?
What is the very best tomorrow that you can imagine?
Today is when you can visualize any possibility for tomorrow, and
then set about to actually make it happen.
You make your own tomorrow, by the actions you take today.
Right now, tomorrow is open for you to shape and design.
It is available for you to do with as you please.
Yet you must get started today.
If you let tomorrow come without your active participation in its
design, chances are that it won't be completely to your liking.
Take action today, and make tomorrow whatever you want it to be.
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

"Takes Strength"

14-2.jpg picture by arti810

It takes strength to be firm
It takes courage to be gentle.
It takes strength to stand guard.
It takes courage to let down your guard
It takes strength to conquer.
It takes courage to surrender.
It takes strength to be certain.
It takes courage to have doubt.
It takes strength to fit in.
It takes courage to stand out.
It takes strength to feel a friend's pain.
It takes courage to feel your own pain.
It takes strength to hide your own pains.
It takes courage to show them.
It takes strength to endure abuse.
It takes courage to stop it.
It takes strength to stand alone.
It takes courage to lean on another.
It takes strength to love.
It takes courage to be loved.
It takes strength to survive.
It takes courage to live.

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A Beautiful Shina Song..Picturized in Chitral & Gilgit